Problem Gambling
Cumberland Mountain Community CSB Launches PUT A LID ON IT Billboard Campaign with Community Coalitions. Prescription drug prevention strategies have expanded to included Timer Cap Bottle distribution to address perception of access concerns in county YRBS and Young Adult Drug Surveys.
Region III West Suicide Prevention
Strategies include a regional suicide prevention conference, logo dissemination campaign, mental health First Aid and an innovative care and transition call back program, “ARE YOU OKAY?” created by ASAC members for individuals at risk of suicide. The logo dissemination effort provides community saturation of the suicide prevention continuum of care through the following creative examples: […]
We Don’t Support Under Age Use
Throughout the SW region of the state supports the prevention of underage tobacco use. Activities include merchant education to sellers of tobacco and alcohol, drug free alternative community activities such as graduation parties, community New Year’s Eve parties, board game nights and community events for children. The logo can also been seen at schools around […]
Drug Drop Boxes
Drug Drop Boxes have been expanded across the region to aid in providing the region access to disposing of and reducing unwanted medications from being misused.
Revive! Opioid Reversal For Virginia
Project REVIVE is a pilot project of the Commonwealth of Virginia which makes Naloxone (Narcan) available to lay rescuers to reverse opioid overdoses. For information on receiving a FREE training and rescue kit in Southwest Virginia, or call Lori Gates-Addison at 276-964-0298. It’s Our Community….It’s Our Responsibility. Also visit our YouTube page and subscribe!
Keep the Party Alive!
KEEP THE PARTY ALIVE! is a partnership of Washington County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition and Highlands Community Services Keep The Party Alive!
Mountain Movers
We are celebrating one year of Mountain Movers and am so pleased as to how God is using the collaborative to move mountains of need.